Article by Shubbar
“The Times learnt yesterday that Tareq al-Hashemi, Iraq’s Sunni Vice-President, is forming a unit of the National Guard that will act as his personal bodyguard and fend off attacks against Addumiyah, a Sunni district surrounded by overwhelmingly Shia districts.
It will be the first official Sunni militia group and a counter to security forces that have been heavily infiltrated by Shia militias.”
I would like to add:
At last The Times learnt by its Sunni biased reporter, Mr James Hider the formation of the first official militia. Mr Hider how it can be official with the denial of Mr Al-Hashemi?
The Times reporter always portray the Sunnis as the victimised part despite the majority of violence victims are Shia. Those shia killed by whom Mr Hider?
Are The following Names:
Jaesh (Army) Mohamad, Faylaq (Brigade) Omar, Shora ( Committee) Almojahedeen, football teams or militias responsible for vicious killing of Shia?
Reporting this as the first Sunni militia in pretext to defend certain areas from security forces infiltrated by shia is the twisting of the truth in favour of one side. Why?