English news

Article: The name of (Ministry of High Education and scientific research) has been changed to ( Ministry of ALanni Education and Alrawi reaserch).

Article by Mr Mohssen Al Jaberi

The ministry new name is well known among most of the Iraqi lecturers and  professors in the field of high education.

This ministry smoothly and swiftly took a decision to introduce new two colleges and new two divisions to other two colleges in the university of Alanbar University for the next year 2006-2007 as declared by Dr Omar Ali the administer of the Law college.

 Dr Ali indicated that the new colleges are college of physical education which was division of  college of Education and college of  Veterinary medicine in Falujah city. The new divisions are Religious division and Accountancy division which are parts of Law college and Economy and administration college respectively. He also added to the Iraq Voices Agency that the ministry had  specified a location to build a modern university in Falujah city.   


The ministry generosity and deep understanding to the needs of Alanbar university did not show the same attitude towards the needs of Alkufa University. AlKufa university had submitted a detailed study contains their fulfillment to  all the required criteria to open new divisions as part of Islamic studies  like skilled teaching stuff and  students willing to enroll..etc


The new minister of high education and scientific research, who is a member of Altawafek front, wasn’t convinced with the report and decided to send a team of three lecturers to visit and discuss the matter with  the Alkufa university. All lecturers of this team were form Alanbar state!!!.

The final recommendation of the Alanbar team is not to agree to open these divisions on the basses of  lack of suitable locations and premises. Despite the unfounded reason of rejection, Alkufa University assured and promised the ministry to fulfill all their criteria of suitable location but the ministry insisted on their decision.

We are not surprised that  this group of people are still see through filter single eye as we know them but how Alkufa University allow a team from one single state ( pure Anbar ) to decide the fate of Alkufa university. As there are no more  lecturers  and no more specialists other than those belong to the area of the pure blue blood.

Our big question to University of Alkufa , why you agreed to allow such a team  to decide your fate?

Our other question  to those who still think people controlling this ministry  are interested to serve the whole country, Don’t you see their  polarization against this Area?







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