English news

Army eliminates Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in several areas, some non-Syrians


Units of the armed forces destroyed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists gatherings and hideouts with all the weapons and ammunition inside them , killing all the terrorists inside them in several areas in Daraa and its countryside.

A military source told SANA that a number of terrorists were killed in al-Hammadin neighborhood near the national hospital and al-Ssad road, among them two snipers and heavy machineguns were destroyed.

The source added that two Jordanian terrorists, Anwar Jaber al-Salman and Dawoud Ahmad Dawoud were among the dead.

Terrorists Anas Abdul-Haq, Mohammad Ahmad al-Masalmeh, Fayez al-Ashmar, Mohammad Omran Shlash, Malek Mansour al-Masalmeh, Salami Marzouk Bajhish and Abdullah Ahmad Bayzid were also identified among the dead.

A unit of the armed forces inflicted heavy losses upon the armed terrorist groups, killing and injuring their members in the villages and towns of al-Shabraq, Saisoun and Tafas, and destroying their weapons, the source said.

Meanwhile, units of the armed forces destroyed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists' gathering in the villages of Katf al-Rumman and al-Ferinlouq reserve, killing and injuring a big number of terrorists including non-Syrians.

Terrorists Abdul-Qader al-Shishani, Maher al-Sheikh Ali and Abdul-Rahman al-Hajji were identified among them, a military source told SANA

The source added that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists' gatherings were also destroyed in al-Rabiaa and al-Shourok villages as a mortar and heavy machinegun were also destroyed.

A number of terrorists, some of them are non-Syrians, were also killed, among them, the Chechen terrorist Omar al-Dakhel, Saudi terrorist Osman al-Zamili, and Abdul-Rahim al-Bahraini, Ahmad al-Abdullah and Mohammad Abdul-Rahman.

Army units restore security and stability to al-Qaryatin city in Homs countryside

Units of the armed forces restored security and stability to al-Qaryatin city in the eastern countryside of Homs, after destroying the last terrorists' gatherings in it

An official source told SANA reporter that the army units discovered a number of tunnels which were used by terrorists for hiding and mobility, in addition finding several vehicles which were used by terrorists to attack the city and the citizens.

The source pointed out that the army units dismantled several explosive devices planted by terrorists inside the citizens' houses.

Terrorists' dens and gatherings destroyed in Homs countryside

Units of the Armed forces targeted terrorists' dens and gatherings in several areas in Homs countryside, killing and injuring scores of terrorists, in addition to destroying their equipment.

A military source told SANA reporter that the army units destroyed a terrorists' den and explosive devices and rockets factory to the south of al-Rastan castle, in addition to cutting the supply road of terrorists between Talbisa and al-Ghanto towns.

The source added that another army unit targeted terrorists' gatherings in Taldo, Kfer Kalla and Talas in al-Houla area, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Army units tighten control over Bus Station in Harasta

A unit of the armed forces clashed with members of an armed terrorist group who were positioned inside the Bus Station in Harasta district in Damascus Countryside, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

An official source told SANA that an army unit killed all terrorists inside the Bus Station and tightened control over it.

Terrorists killed in Damascus Countryside

Units of the armed forces continued hunting the armed terrorist groups in several villages and towns in Damascus Countryside, killing and injuring a number of terrorists.

An official source told SANA that the army units carried out successful operations in Zamalka and Erbein which resulted in the killing of several terrorists, including Mohammad al-Yabroudi and Mohammad Karnaba, while another army unit killed and injured several terrorists at al-Saraya Park in Douma city.

The source added that another army unit killed all members of an armed terrorist group in Ein Tarma, while another army unit destroyed a terrorists' warehouse full of weapons and ammunition in al-Shaifounia farms in Douma city and killed the terrorists inside it, including Mohamd Eyoun and Bassel al-Nabki.

The source pointed out that other army units pursued terrorists in the farms surrounding al-Baharia and Deir Salman and destroyed a mortar and a heavy machinegun, in addition to killing a number of terrorists.

In the mountains overlooking Halboun town, the army operations are still ongoing and resulted in killing and injuring a number of terrorists, including Abu Khatab al-jazawi.

Army units eliminate terrorists in Idleb countryside

Units of the armed forces killed a number of terrorists, including non-Syrians in several villages and towns in Idleb countryside, destroying their weapons and equipment.

A military source told SANA that the army units killed a number of terrorists in Saraqib, including 4 Iraqis and destroyed a terrorists' den in Binish along with the weapons and ammunition inside it.

The source added that other army units destroyed terrorists' gatherings in al-Za'ynia, Dama, al-Taybat, al-Allia, al-Bashiria, Bsanqul, Maartmsarin, Saqraja, Maart al-Nouman and Kfer Noboul

The source pointed out that the army units inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in Kfer Shlaia and in the area surrounding the Central Prison in Idelb, in addition to destroying 4 heavy machineguns.

An official source added that other army units killed and injured scores of terrorists, including non-Syrians, in addition to destroying their weapons and equipment.

Army units inflict heavy losses upon terrorists in Aleppo and its countrysid

Units of the armed forces carried out a series of special operations against terrorists' dens and gatherings and destroyed their weapons and equipment in Aleppo and its countryside.

An official source told SANA that the army units killed a number of terrorists in the area surrounding Minnigeh Airport and destroyed terrorists' weapons and ammunition on Tinib-Tatamrash road.

The source added that an army unit killed several terrorists in the area surrounding the Central Prison.

The source pointed out that another army unit destroyed a locomotive loaded with weapons and ammunition and killed all terrorists inside it near al-Mansour Gas Station.

Other army units carried out special operations against terrorists and destroyed their gatherings near Azaz hospital and the Post Office in Abtin village.

In Aleppo city, an army unit killed scores of terrorists to the east of the scientific research building and at al-Haydaria roundabout, while another army unit destroyed terrorists' dens in Karm al-Maysar and al-Sakhour areas.

Army units eliminate terrorists in Daraa and its countryside

Units of the armed forces continued hunting armed terrorist groups in Daraa al-Balad, al-Saad and al-Mokhaim neighborhoods and al-Naymma, Nasib and Saida towns in Daraa.

An official source told SANA that the army units carried out operations against terrorists' dens and gatherings, killing and injuring several terrorists.

Atallah al-Masalima, Mohammad Shlash and Badia'a Abdurrahman al-Awad al-Mahamid were identified among the dead terrorists.

The source pointed out that the clashes took place when the armed terrorist groups attacked a number of border checkpoints to the south of Daraa near al-Ramtha city, adding that the attack resulted in the killing and injury of several terrorists, including Kinan Zaid al-Mahamid




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