English news

Army Foils Terrorists' Infiltration Attempts, Eliminates Terrorists in Several areas

2888 10:23:00 2013-04-03



A unit of the armed forces foiled armed terrorist groups' infiltration attempts from Lebanon to Syria across al-Mathoumeh and Halat sites in Talkalakh countryside in Homs, inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists.

SANA reporter quoted a source in the province as saying that the terrorists' attempts coincided with shooting fire from the Lebanese side towards the Syrian borders guards on the Syrian side.

The source added that the armed forces killed a number of terrorists and injured others, while the rest fled into the Lebanese territories.

A military source said that a unit of the armed forces confronted an armed terrorist group's attack on a military checkpoint in al-Hosn area in Homs countryside.

The source told SANA reporter that members of the terrorist group were killed and injured.

Source pointed out that another unit of the armed forces pursued armed terrorist groups on Jeb-al-Jandali –al-Rastan axes near Maryamin- al-Holeh roundabout in Homs countryside , killing and injuring their members.

In Homs city , a unit of the armed forces clashed with an armed terrorist group in Bab al-Sibaa . The clash resulted in the killing of all members of the terrorist group.

Army Targets Terrorists Hideouts in Idleb

Meanwhile, An army unit targeted terrorists' gatherings in Idleb countryside and destroyed two trucks loaded with weapons and terrorists.

A military source said that the armed forces destroyed terrorists' gatherings in Ihsem in Jabal al-Zawyeh and in Shishnan village, killing several terrorists.

The source added that another army unit destroyed two trucks loaded with weapons and terrorists, killing many of them in Sarja town in the countryside of the Province.

Army Destroys Two Vehicles One Equipped with Machinegun in Hama

In Hama, a unit of the armed forces on Tuesday destroyed two vehicles with all the weapons and ammunition inside them in the town of Kafer Naboudeh in Hama countryside.

SANA reporter quoted a source in the province as saying that a number of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra were killed also in the town .

The source said that another unit of the armed forces targeted a terrorists' den in the village of Madaya Sajdeh in Hama countryside, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Army Kills Terrorists in Deir Ezzor

Units of the armed forces destroyed terrorists hideouts in al-Houwika and al-Jbeileh neighborhoods in Deir Ezzor, inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists.

SANA reporter quoted a source in the Province as saying that a number of terrorists were killed and others were injured while their cars were destroyed.

The source added that citizens of al-Musarab village in Deir Ezzor confronted armed terrorist groups' attack against the village, killing a number of terrorists among them terrorist Saddam al-Nowfal, the leader of the so-called 'al-Ikhlas brigade' and terrorists Amer Baidar al-Oklah, Hammoud al-Ali al-Baher, Abdullah al-Khlief al-Razin and Hammoud al-Ali al-Fares from Jabhat al-Nusra.


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