English news

Al-Sheikh Al-Sagheer: The worst American decisions is the freeze of the dealing with the terrorism file under the excuse of political dialogue.


Buratha News agency -28th October 2006

His holiness Sheikh Jalal Uldean Al-Sagheer said in the Friday prayer at the holy Buratha Mosque, Baghdad which was televised by AlFurat Sat Channel: The Mecca meeting was a significant event. Previously some who wear a religious scholars and movements talked about infidelity of Shia and gave Fatwa to kill Shia. But when we went there, Mecca now reject from Islam anyone talk of infidelity of us. This is the result of patience, the patience that we were severely criticised by our main stream supporters who accused us with cowardice or even betrayal but the harvest which we expect from the start is worth our patience.

Mecca conference proofed that the current vicious war in our country is nothing to do with religious because Mecca deprived the Sunnis or Shia killers from any religious cover. We hope that a lots of brain washed youths will change their way into the natural and normal one. It is time for all of us to think who is benefiting from the killing and I am sure the only loser is Islam and all Iraqi people including all his ingredients which unfortunately writing it with our hands.

He added: I would like to indicate that when this war is political, the solution should be political but without freezing the government the serious will to fight terrorism. The worst decision taken by the Americans was opening the gate for political dialogue and reduces the seriousness in dealing with the terrorism file which allowed terrorists to infiltrate the government structure.

Why did we witness in 2005 a huge decrease in terrorism attacks, but today we live a frightening increase in the percentage at time our security forces got more experience, efficiency and number from before which should make terrorists performance more difficult and dangerous. The hidden truth is that the Americans changed their minds and received the security file which opens the door of terrorism widely. We believe in the political dialogue and the necessarily to keep it going but it is a terrible mistake to open its gate and close or degrade the real efforts in the war against terrorism because that with help and strength terrorism and what happened actually.

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