Voices of Iraq – 9th September 2006.
Hussein Al-Faloogi ,the member of parliament from the Accord Sunni Front said on Friday that his block will move to start a dialogue with the United National coalition to withdrawal the federal status from the Kurds as the first stage to cancel the federalism as a political project.
He clarified in announcement to voices of Iraq agency:
“The Accord front has few alternative options to the states law which can give guaranties not to allow dictatorship return which no one want to see again neither Shia nor Sunni“
He added :
“ one of these alternative options is strengthen the decentralization system and abandon the federalism by applying some changes to the constitution”
He slao indicated:
“The Accord Front changed its opinion towards Federal Kurdistan status because the Kurds leaders broken their promises to protect Iraq Unity. The Iraqi Flag current dilemma despite its simplicity and symbolism , they insisted to show the whole world that they do not respect the country central government ( according to him)“ .