Burath News Agency – 12 August 2006
Association of Moslems Scholars in Iraq lead by Hareeth Al-Tharee defended on its website, the terrorists, who were arrested during American troops search operations in their hiding in Arab Jobour Area near Aldorra, Baghdad, saying they are innocents.
The website said
“In episodes of arrests of the innocents, the American occupying forces declared they arrested 60 persons in ambush on a funeral paying their respect in Arab Jobour area south the capital”
The American army press Release A060812a indicated the following:-
Coalition forces detained 60 men suspected to be associated with terrorist activity during a raid in Arab Jabour, August 11.
The targeted individuals are believed associated with a senior al Qaida in Iraq leader in a cell that specializes in bomb making and VBIED attacks in Baghdad. The group has been reported to be planning and conducting training for future attacks like the
attack in Mahmudiyah July 17 that killed 42 and injured 90 innocent Iraqis.
Multiple forms of credible intelligence led the assault force to the location, later
determined to be a funeral gathering, where the suspects were detained.”