Iraq voices- 29July
Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Isahaq Alfayad again demanded from the government to punish the terrorists and economic related criminals, with public execution.
Ali Alrubaeei the official spokesman of Alfayad office in Najaf said to the Iraq Voices News Agency today:
“Sheikh Alfayad demanded during his meetings with a number of government officials to punish terrorists and economic related criminals (such as petrol smuggling) with public execution”.
Alubaeei added that the Sheikh expressed astonishment to some of the officials reactions who considered public execution as uncivilised phenomena. Questioning that, is vicious killings of the innocent civilians (in hundreds) committed by terrorists civilised? Do human rights only apply to the terrorists, and not to the innocent civilians? This is a clear sign of disregard of innocent Iraqi victims.
These announcements come as parts of accusations by shia religious and political leaderships to Mr. Almaleki’s government and multi nationals forces being lenient with terrorists and releasing some of them to pave the way for reconciliation.