Arabia News Network – Monday 5th Feb 2007
.Political and media analyst, Mr Azhar Al-Khafaji held Saudi Arabia the full responsibility in the return the bombing campaign in Iraq and particularly in Baghdad in such cruelty and intensity. The recent atrocities took place as the effects and impact of the Fatwas issued in the last three months by the High rank Saudi Wahabi scholars which encouraged terrorists to murder Shia in Iraq to defend Sunnis as they claimed.
Mr Al-Khafaji said in press conference to Arabia News Network “ Now following Al-Sadriya and Al-Hilla explosions, we can feel the effects of the publicly announced Fatwas issued in Saudi Arabia by what is called the group of 38 Whabi scholars three months ago. This scholars group called the Sunni youth in the whole Gulf area to enter Iraq to defend Iraqi Sunnis who are allegedly killed and displaced by Shia and urged their followers to kill Shias”.
Citizens feels the impact of the Fatwas issued by the group in Saudia Arabia and speeches in Istanbul conference( by Hareth Al-Tharee, members of his organization, Adnan Al-Dulaimi, Saudi Wahabi sheiks like Al-Aooda , Naser Al-Omar , Al-Nuaimi from Qater) and recent Fawa from Ibn Jebreen who is very high rank in Saudi religious affair.
All these opinions, statements and conferences contributed to agitate the unjustified feelings of hatred against the Shia followers in Iraq in the region. They provided terrorists organizations with the perfect climate to recruit huge number of the Wahabi followers of those scholar from Saudi Arabia, Gulf states, Yemen and North Africa to go to Iraq.
Mr Al-khafaji held the Saudi authorities responsible for the hate motivated Fatwas by group of government sponsored scholars urging their followers to murder and exterminate Shia with no objection from them.